Saturday, January 28, 2012

Republicans Linked to Unintelligence. Democrats Linked to Bad Studies.

What would you do if I said "I have defining proof that republicans are racist and not very smart"? I recently read this article about how conservatives are more likely to be unintelligent and racist. It helps continue this false two-party dichotomy we live with. I recommend skimming it and not taking any of it seriously.

Click here to read the article

This article disturbed me. Maybe its just me but this just screams bias to me. Its a blatant stereotype, lazy writing, and false argument. Everyone holds prejudice even/especially liberals. Intelligence has nothing to do with the issue and it is plain insulting. Most people probably know me as a liberal so it may be shocking to see me defend conservatives, but that article is sick. I am disgusted with the two party rhetoric that people seem to be obsessed with.

It seems that people only see two sides to an argument. In philosophy this is called the "Horns of a Dilemma" argument which offers two choices of A or B but ignores C, D, or E. You're either for "rampant unrestricted capitalism", or you're a "socialist". You're either an "enlightened atheist", or a "dumb Christian". If you are a "pacifist" then you are "not patriotic". If you want to keep your second amendment right to "keep and bare arms" then you are a "racist hick".

Liberal a word that means great things is spat upon by the conservative politicians. Also apparently the word conservative is equivalent to "warmongering, racist pigs". Does anyone know what those words actually mean anymore? Look them up if you don't because you should be informed. Neither one of those traits are bad and both can be, and should be, seen as respectable.

People don't talk about politics with others anymore because the conversation is just one argument after another without, actually listening or thinking. Its touchy and way more emotional then it should be. People get a single sound-bite and run with it because it "sort of", fits their personal views. Its like a "one size fits all" shirt that sort of fits but doesn't actually fit you. We are stuffing ourselves into labled boxes figuring that because someone in the party we affiliate ourselves with says something, we should believe that.

The media itself promotes this charade. Read the article above. Look at how many TV debates have happened for the republican nominee hopefuls. Now look at the independent party? Or green party?  *Cue Cricket Sounds* Huh, I would have thought there would be something. Oh wait the senate is filled with "republicans and democrats" I forgot we need to keep things simple for people. After all how are they supposed to control public opinion if they present more then two choices?

Rather then working together even our senate has gotten wrapped up in its lie. They fight amongst themselves blocking the other side and can't come to a responsible decision. Twice in the last two years they have filibustered on the budget till the very last instant. Delaying decisions on making solutions all while raising their own paychecks, passing bills that contradict the constitution, and making sure that pizza is recognized as a vegetable so that food industry lobby interests are met. How can people support either side at this point?

I am not and have never been one hundred percent liberal. I don't really know anyone that is. If someone claims to be they are full of it. Its just the same with conservatives. The mentality that we are so different needs to change. This shouldn't be a war between democrats and republicans. People should seek solutions not this power grab that politics has become. As citizens it is our responsibility to say enough is enough. No means no. If the people we elect can not make decisions regarding our country's future they do not deserve to remain in office. If the only thing they can decide on is that they need more power then they are failing the principles this nation was founded upon.

I am very conservative regarding the constitution. The protection of individual rights inherent in all people. The government in my opinion needs some serious housecleaning. Our representatives need to know that they represent us. If they can't do that then they need to step down and resign. We need people in office with a mind to serve rather then self-serve. The evidence is all around us that slowly and surely we are no longer a free people. Don't believe me? Just ask when was the last time when the last time the government did something that effected you personally and not a corporation's interest? It might have been this: The Military has the right to detain you, without, your right to due process.

You feeling proud to be an American? Cause at least you know you're free.

No you are not stupid to be republican. No you are not stupid to be a democrat. Neither side is anymore prejudice then the other. There is no defining study that says being either one is the more "evolved" human. What is foolish is demonizing and discounting other people because of their political beliefs.

We need more perspective then the two present. Promote the moderates. Promote the people that stick to their beliefs. Listen to the other side and don't discount it as being stupid. Pay attention to politics. Our representatives get away with so much because we don't pay attention. Vote them out if they can't lead or make a difference. Quit fighting the war that distracts us from the reality: That our government is not working and this needs to change.

So be a conservative and bring back traditional values. Be a liberal and seek meaningful change that improves upon our tradition's and values without contradicting them. Be both liberal and conservative. Quit the nonsense that you have to be one or the other. Above all demand integrity, in all instances of the word, from ALL our leaders.

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