Thursday, January 5, 2012

Proving Grounds

So I was looking at the forums on Yahoo(don't do this its depressing) the other day and naturally there was an argument going on between people attempting to prove Gods existence and others saying hogwash.

When something like this happens I feel its almost like a bar fight movie scene in Ireland. Everyone is happy to just jump in. I include myself in that group. Its funny how a small thing brings out such passion in us. "What someone doesn't believe?!" or "How can you believe that fairy tail?!".

Everybody wants to be right and somehow we feel that it is up to us to prove it. A witty comment here a sharp retort there and on it goes. Thus far the best arguments I have seen neither prove or definitively disprove Gods existence, they are great arguments none the less. Its funny how we push ourselves into these "proving grounds" as if God needed our help to prove he exists. How little faith we have. These arguments I feel only are pushing to prove a point that we have so often repeated throughout history "How very fickle we are".

If God wanted to prove his existence he would. In an instant every person on the planet would know he was there. Going back to the bible it constantly talks about having something called faith. Believing without seeing, feeling, or touching. Even Thomas who had seen amazing miracles did not believe unless he stood before Jesus resurrected. There is something important to say about Thomas in this instance. Even though he did not believe Jesus gave him grace for the impertinence of his lack of faith.

John 20:29 Jesus said to him, "Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.".  The other disciples never could have made him believe, only God could. Is it so bad to question? Is it so bad to say "I will believe it when I see it"? I don't think we are called to it but I am not sure its our job to prove our point. We have so little faith that God will prove himself in his own time.

There is a difference between this and missionary work. Missionary's don't go to places to argue that God exists. They go to live for God and teach others about him. Not to prove him, or rather, themselves right. I have been very mistaken about my purpose. Its conflicting at times to hear someone say "There is no God". They have lost their way in the grand scheme of things and I desperately wish to bring them back. Sometimes its because I feel insulted. Other times its because I want to help them see truth. In both cases maybe I am right or wrong. However, by speaking out I am doing it wrong...

Consistently the bible calls people to LIVE their faith. Actions speak louder then words. With faith comes works. St. Francis of Assisi said "Live the gospel everyday, if necessary use words". Its a last resort to use words, not the first. The problem is not that people are not Christian, its that people that are Christian don't act like they are. If we did there would be a whole lot more of us.

My "proving grounds" are not to argue and show how smart I am. Not to fight to prove God right. Rather to live in faith. To believe in God and trust that he really is the authority of all that is in heaven and earth. After all He is with us always.

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