Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Mother and Technology

The day has come! My mother finally has a device that is more technologically advanced then a cell phone from 2000. She was afraid to touch it. Once she did though she giggles, delighted at the new found power. Things that I have taken for granted like e-mailing she finds to be a fascinating and worth while. She exclaims loudly in a voice proud of a new accomplishment, paying for something online with a credit card! I can hear my Dad sighing in his office. What was he thinking giving her an Ipad...

I never would have thought I would see the day when my mother would not be afraid of touching technology. Before if the computer did something she might gasp thinking she broke it. Still she is impatient with the Ipad. If something doesn't work right she gasps indignantly at the audacity. How dare this not work the way it should. Its amusing to me however she has an air of excitement that comes with it a new found amazement for me about the things I take for granted. I can't wait to see what she does with it next!

Life really is full of adventure. We make new discoveries in our lives that opens new avenues of possibilities. Its really a shame that we forget what made this stuff so cool in the first place. Things that made our lives easier become a chore and common place. Its like elk or deer at my house in Evergreen. I never thought I would get tired of them. Cool looking, interesting creatures then, now are just pests to me. They eat the flowers and are obstacles on the road that could total my car. Not quite the fury pets I wanted them to be. Maybe thats the problem. I wanted them to be something they were not. They still are cool looking and interesting creatures.

Maybe our stuff turns into something its not meant for. Maybe we just say "thats great and all but wouldn't it be cool if it did this?" I need to stop looking at stuff like that and be grateful for what it is. Cause after all, not everything is meant for me. That doesn't mean I can't and shouldn't appreciate it though.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is too funny =) It is truly amazing the power that can be held in this... i regret to say the word... Technology (*shudders) =) Though isn't it sad how we lose appreciation of such things we once saw as beautiful as they become rather commonplace? In some ways, this brings to mind the scripture where Jesus tells us to receive the kingdom of God like little children (mark 10:14-15). I believe we are to receive the kingdom of God not only with a childlike faith but a childlike view of beauty. Now bear with me here. Children see the world through a set of eyes geared for beauty. They find such fascination in the things we have come to completely take for granted. As far as i've seen in my own experience, with some prayer and exercise in God's ways and word, I've realized that i've begun to appreciate beauty in new and magnificent ways!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. =)
    Jordan W
