(You should know: I am expressing thoughts and opinion I am not an expert on this subject. Nor do I ever plan to be. I am not going to quote the bible as evidence to why I am right or wrong but I may quote it as to why I feel one way or another. I am not prejudice against homosexuals. I know a few personally and will continue to be friends with them.)
Lately I have been thinking about why Christians are against homosexuality and wondering why I myself think its wrong. Its not an easy answer. Christians will say that it is wrong because of: Nature and what is natural. Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. What might happen if they adopt a child? What is the purpose of life? So on and so forth. There are several reasons. Mine personally derive from: what causes a person to be homosexual. Is it caused by culture, family, genetics, abuse, trauma, wanting attention ETC...
If it is genetics then we are designed to be that way. Therefore it wouldn't quite be wrong, fundamentally speaking. Personally, I am not sure I will ever think its quite beautiful but thats because I don't find men to be attractive in any form sexually. However, I would not have a case that it would be sin or evil because it would be what God designed some of us to be. If it were because of anything else then I would have a case, then it becomes a matter of choice and the result of sin.
If it was abuse, culture, family issues, trauma, etc... then it is no longer a situation that we can say God built us to be this way as well. If that is true then homosexuality is more a cause of sin. We may very well be wrongly placing the blame on the homosexual and not the person or thing that caused them to become the way that they are. It's a tricky situation with no easy answer. Do you condemn the person being homosexual or the cause of their plight?
People constantly want to know how to approach a person they feel is in the wrong. I believe most people say this in the best of intentions. They want to say "Hey this is wrong and will lead you astray. I want you to be happy therefore I am saying something." However I know some people just want to be better then the other person(which is a sin if you didn't already know that).
If we look at what homosexuality is, it is a person desiring to be loved. No matter what we must look at it that way, rather then condemning the person for being evil. If its the result of tragedy and trauma we must love the other person and not expect to change them. Encourage them to seek therapy for the tragedy for the trauma. If its the result of abuse, we must love them and encourage them to seek therapy for the abuse. (Not to seek therapy for the homosexuality. That would be treating the symptom) If its the desire for attention then its still a matter of being loving and meeting them where they are at.
In every single one of these situations it still comes down to the persons choice. The most important thing is if you believe God gives us free will then honor that individuals right to free will. Love them for who they are and "do not judge lest thou be judged"(Matthew 7:1).
If its a genetic thing then we must love them for who they are and we can not condemn the act or try and change them. Just as they likewise should not try to change us. The issue of genetics is the very thing that needs to be proven. This is necessary to make a claim that we are born homosexual. I have not personally seen any studies that conclusively point to a gene or code that proves people are "born that way". Even in that case though some homosexuality may be a cause of abuse, culture, family, trauma, ETC... In that case as I stated before it is still the result of sin. In such situations its a way to find healing. It may be the wrong way to seek healing because its not seeking God but rather "human" comfort as a solution for our pain.
In any case if it is the cause of sin "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea."(Mark 9:42) This means that retribution comes to those who leads others astray. We can take solace in that fact and not feel like its our burden to fix those who sin. It is called faith to trust God that he makes all things right.
Either way: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ' 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:30-31) "Love" is what we are called to not to change people. That is Gods job.